Traffic Management Plans

Any construction works changing the usual operations of our roads, streets and footpaths within the City of Maribyrnong, will require a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for approval.

This requirement is in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004 (A code of practice for worksite safety – traffic management), the Road Safety Act 1986 and Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009 Traffic control devices for works on roads.

To download a copy of the Standard Conditions see the related information section.

A Traffic Management Plan covers such things as temporary changes to traffic conditions, road and footpath closures and traffic detours. All TMPs submitted for approval must meet the following terms and conditions:

  • All TMPs must be prepared by a professional traffic consultant or company and must be in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1742.3 2009. See VicRoads ‘Register of prequalified Contractors & Consultants
  • Please ensure the information provided is true and accurate. Any inaccurate information or inconsistencies may result in the assessment of your application being either delayed or rejected.

Our Engineering Services Department will review your TMP to assess the impact on the movement or safety of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists or vehicles. If appropriate, we will issue a Traffic Management Plan approval, subject to conditions.

If you do not comply with all the conditions, the Maribyrnong City Council may revoke any approvals and may pursue enforcement action.

Traffic Management Plans must be made by submitting your application to

Prior to sending your application, please ensure you read the Standard Conditions for Traffic Management Plan approvals document and have the following information ready for your application.

You application must include:

  • street name/s
  • applicant details
  • description of the work
  • proposed dates and times of works
  • a traffic management plan.

Should you have any questions, please contact Council’s Customer Service on (03) 9688 0200 or email:

A Traffic Management Plan approval will be issued subject to a number of conditions. The document below lists all the standard conditions which apply to every Traffic Management Plan approved by Maribyrnong Council. We may also specify additional conditions, depending on the type of works to be undertaken and the site conditions.

If consent is given, it is for the implementation of the Traffic Management Plan only.

For excavations within Council road reserves, please ensure consent in writing is obtained from Council prior to the commencement of works

Please ensure all necessary Council permits have been obtained prior to the commencement of works. For further information To obtain other permits, please contact Council’s Customer Service on  (03) 9688 0200 or For traffic management that will impact on arterial roads, please ensure that you obtain a Memorandum of Authorisation from VicRoads. 

Further to the above Council does not accept any responsibility for accidents, damage or injury to property, participants or third parties arising from these works.  In this regard, Maribyrnong City Council is to be fully indemnified against any claim laid against it, either by members of the public or persons engaged in any activities associated with the traffic diversion, who, as a result of the diversion, suffer personal injury, property damage or financial loss.

Please ensure all necessary Council permits have been obtained prior to the commencement of works.  This may include the following:

  • Road Opening Permit
  • Road Occupation Permit
  • Hoarding Permit
  • Building Permit
  • Crossover Permit
  • Crane Lift Permit

 For further information To obtain other permits, please contact Council’s Customer Service on  (03) 9688 0200 or For traffic management that will impact on arterial roads, please ensure that you obtain a Memorandum of Authorisation from VicRoads.