Celebrating International Day of People with a Disability
Published on 01 December 2023
Council is hosting an event in celebration of International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), featuring renowned writer and speaker Carly Findlay OAM, and insightful reflections from Council's Disability Advisory Committee members.
Carly Findlay OAM, is an award-winning writer, speaker, and appearance activist, has dedicated her life to advocating for disability rights and challenging societal perceptions of beauty and disability. She lives with a rare skin condition called Ichthyosis. Her powerful message of acceptance and empowerment has resonated with audiences worldwide, making her a highly sought-after speaker.
International Day of People with Disability promotes the rights and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities and by hosting this event, Mayor, Cr Cuc Lam, said Council aims to inspire positive change.
“We recognise the importance of fostering an inclusive community that values diversity and provides equal opportunities for all our residents,” said Mayor Lam.
“International Day of People with Disability serves as an important platform to increase understanding, acceptance, and support for people with disability, while also celebrating their achievements and contributions to society.”
In addition, keynote speaker Carly Findlay said, “this is an opportunity to not only promote disability inclusion within our municipality but is also a day for non-disabled allies to learn about ways they can create accessibility, fight for disability rights and amplify our voices.”
Attendees will also hear from members of Council's Disability Advisory Committee (DAC which plays an important role in advising the Council on matters related to disability inclusion and accessibility. Member reflections will provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by people with disabilities in our municipality and the importance of creating an inclusive society.
There will be opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, network with like-minded individuals, and learn about Council's ongoing initiatives to improve accessibility within the municipality.
The event is open to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, their families, and anyone interested in promoting disability inclusion. It will take place at Braybrook Community Hub on Friday 8 December, from 10.30am-1.30pm with registrations opening at 10am.
For more information about the event and to RSVP, please contact Council's Access and Participation Unit on communitydevelopment@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au or call 9688 0199 by 1 December 2023. If you cannot attend in person, the event will be livestreamed.
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