Draft Library Plan
Published on 28 April 2023
The draft Library Plan 2023-2025 is now open for community feedback.
Our first conversation in late 2022 confirmed our community values and appreciates our libraries, their services, and staff.
While, for our residents, libraries remain first and foremost, a place to borrow books, we also know needs and expectations are changing in response to changing demographics, events, and technological developments.
For example, as was evident during the October 2022 flood event, our libraries also serve as a place of refuge and escape for vulnerable members of our community - and not just in extreme events. This is equally true for those dealing with cost of living pressures, like rising power bills.
Recognising this, is critical to determining future services we need to provide to ensure we continue to meet diverse and evolving community needs.
Last year, when you shared your ideas for the future of Maribyrnong libraries, you told us you were keen to see a greater diversification in our collections and programs and more flexible and updated library spaces that could support wider uses – such as relaxing with friends, quiet spaces to study, areas to enjoy a cup of tea or areas to collaborate and explore creative pursuits.
You also confirmed the accelerated shift to online, necessitated by COVID-19, is not only here to stay, but is also for many, now a preferred way of accessing library resources.
Your feedback, along with an internal review, has informed a draft Library Plan 2023-25 that spells out some of the existing challenges and maps some actions we can take to ensure our libraries remain customer-focussed and the best they can be.
This includes exploring opportunities to expand our programs, developing an infrastructure plan to ensure facilities remain fit for purpose, and investing in the ongoing development of our staff so they remain equipped to support emerging community needs.
Your comments on the draft will help us refine the Plan before it is presented to Council for adoption later this year.
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