Child Safety Statement

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Child Safe Standards

In Victoria, all organisations that provide services or facilities for children and young people under 18 must implement Child Safe Standards to protect them from physical violent, sexual offences, emotional or psychological abuse and/or neglect.

The standards were introduced by the Victorian Government in response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry (the 2013 Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations).

For further information on Child Safe Standards, see the Commission for Children and Young People.

Maribyrnong City Council Youth Services’ statement of commitment to child safety

Maribyrnong City Council has zero tolerance for the abuse of children and young people. As part of the Child Safe Standards, we commit to:

  • preventing the abuse of children and young people in our care, by identifying risks early and removing and reducing these risks
  • taking all allegations and concerns about abuse very seriously and responding to them consistently, in line with our policies and procedures  
  • complying with all legal requirements, including reporting suspicions of abuse to police and/or child protection.

We actively work to hear and empower all children and young people involved with our organisation, through regular consultation and participation processes.

We celebrate diversity across our organisation. In particular, we promote the equal participation and cultural, emotional and physical safety of children and young people who are often marginalised. This includes children and young people who are Aboriginal, from refugee or migrant backgrounds, who are same-sex attracted or gender diverse, and/or have a disability.

Those employed by Maribyrnong City Council are responsible for the care and protection of young people who participate in our organisation and for reporting information about abuse

If you have a concern about the safety of any young people participating in our programs and services please call us on 9091 4700 or email