Strategy for Children, Young People and their Families


Council is guided by its Strategy for Children, Young People and their Families 2030 (the Strategy) and the work of Council's Youth Services team is directed by the Strategy.

A copy of the Strategy can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

The Strategy outlines a strategic framework and objectives to guide Council's work with children and young people from birth through to 25 years and their families.

Through a life-course approach we are mindful of the changing needs of children, young people and their families.

We also recognise that the wellbeing of children, young people and their families is influenced by their family and community context. By taking an ecological approach, we can influence positive outcomes by placing a focus on strengthening families, and on creating a community in which children, young people and their families can thrive.

Council is well placed to work with the community and other levels of government to enhance the liveability of Maribyrnong for children, young people and their families.

Needs and Experiences of the Family

How Council developed the Strategy

The Strategy is built upon the successes of our previous strategies: Maribyrnong Strategy for Children 2015-2018, the Maribyrnong Strategy for Young People 2014-2018 and the Maribyrnong Family Strengthening Strategy 2015-2018 and considers both Victorian and national research that is specific to the City Maribyrnong.

The Strategy is informed by an evidence based framework developed by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) – the Nest Agenda.

The Nest Agenda identifies six inter-related components of a child’s life that need to be going well in order for their opportunities and positive trajectories to be maximised.

We have undertaken community engagement activities to hear directly from children in their early years, middle years, young people and parents.  The Strategy explains in detail how we engaged our community.

Community context

Strategic Framework

The strategic framework is a tool Council will use to:

  • Take a whole-of-council approach to create a community context in which children, young people and their families can thrive.
  • Uphold and advocate for the rights of children and young people as they are outlined in the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, and the rights of children, young people and their families (along with all members of our community) as outlined in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Guide decision making and action to support decision making around program development and delivery, planning, partnerships and advocacy for the next 10 years.

Read more about the Strategic Framework in the Strategy.

Our Objectives

The Strategy supports the six inter-related components of a child’s life identified by the Nest Agenda as follows:

Component 1 Being Loved and Safe
Component 2 Having Material Basics
Component 6 Positive Sense of Culture and Identity

Componenet 4 Learning
Component 5 Participating
Component 3 Being Healthy


How Council will work towards achieving each of the strategic objectives is outlined in detail in the Strategy.