Maribyrnong Arts Advisory Committee 2024-2027 The Maribyrnong Arts Advisory Committee supports Council and provides strategic advice on meeting the future arts and culture needs of our community.
Western Artists Mentorship Program The Western Artists Mentorship Program aims to enhance the skills and experience of First Nations artists, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse artists, and artists who are D/deaf or Disabled, and create pathways to sustain the professional practice of participants.
Triennial Arts Partner Funding (2023-2026) Arts, cultural or heritage organisations that are either based in, or have a significant history of delivery in Maribyrnong, with a strong track record of producing high quality work and engaging the community in a significant way are encouraged to apply for Council’s Triennial Arts Partner Funding.
Creative opportunities Are you an artist or interested in creative activities? Apply for a residency, grant, busking or filming permit, or subscribe to our e-news to get regular updates on new opportunities.
Found Works Program Found Works is a pilot program that encourages artists from the West to reapproach and rediscover performing arts works that were stopped or delayed due to disruption over the past two years, including the impact of coronavirus.