Other Licenses and Requirements

In addition to registering your business with Council and getting Planning, Environmental Health, Local Laws and Building permits, there are some other permits and licenses you may need for your business.

Liquor License

If you are planning to sell liquor or allow a BYO liquor service, in addition to registering with Council you will need to apply for a liquor license from the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC).  You need both a planning permit and a liquor license in order to legally sell or serve liquor at your business.

The VGCCC is the independent statutory authority that regulates Victoria’s gambling and liquor industries.

For more information or to appply for a liquor license visit the VGCCC website.

Note:  In your application to VGCCC you will be asked whether you have obtained, or have commenced an application with Council for planning permission.

Visit VGCCC’s website

OneMusic License for Music

If you are planning to play music or other types of entertainment for your customers you will be required to apply for a license from OneMusic.

OneMusic is a partnership between the Australian Performing Right Association Limited (APRA), the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS) and Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Ltd (PPCA), and is a music rights organisation.  The issuing of licenses by OneMusic is authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

For more information or to apply for a license visit the OneMusic website.

Visit OneMusic's website