Parking Signs and Rules

Council is committed to improving safety on our roads and access to parking for all community members. You can avoid parking fines by understanding and following basic parking rules and observing parking signs.

Parking Signs

Below you will find examples of what parking signage can look like and a description outlining the relevant parking rules.


Road Sign Clearway.png

Clearways are zones used at peak travel times to improve traffic flow. Clearway signs specify the times when you must not park in that zone.

Some tips about Clearway zones:

  • You cannot stop for any reason during the clearway times specified on the sign
  • You can park or stop outside of the clearway times specified on the sign
  • Vehicles parked on Clearways can be towed away by Vic Roads

No Parking

Road Signn No Parking.png
  • No Parking means you can stop in a No Parking space for up to 2 minutes
  • No Parking spaces are quick pick up and drop off zones
  • Drivers need to stay within 3 metres of the vehicle
  • Great for dropping off or picking up passengers after shopping trips
  • Follow the rules to avoid a fine

No Stopping

Road Signn No Stopping.png

No Stopping means no stopping at any time - unless otherwise stated on the sign.

Follow the rules to avoid a fine.

Bus Zone

Road Sign Bus Zone.png

Bus zones are reserved for buses at all times, or during the hours shown on the sign.

Some tips about bus zones:

  • You can park in a bus zone if you are a licensed bus driver in a registered public bus
  • You can only park in a bus zone in another type of vehicle outside of the times shown on the sign
  • You can not park in these zones if you are driving a vehicle other than a bus and no times are shown on the sign

Loading Zone

Road Sign Loading Zone.png

Loading Zones have been established to make it easier for delivery vehicles to drop off and pick up goods.

Only goods-carrying vehicles, signed courier or delivery vehicles, trucks that are picking up or delivering goods, and taxis that are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods can legally park in these spots.

Here are some simple tips:

  • You can not park in a Loading Zone if you are not driving a goods-carrying vehicle, or a signed courier or delivery vehicle
  • You can not park in a Loading Zone for longer than the time limit specified on the sign
  • If no time limit is specified on the sign you can park in a Loading Zone for up to 30 minutes

Taxi Zone

Road Sign Taxi Zone.png

Taxi Zones are reserved for exclusive use by taxis. Some Taxi Zones are available for use by other vehicles at specific times printed on the sign.

Here are some tips:

  • You can park in a Taxi zone if you are a licensed taxi driver in a registered and clearly marked taxi
  • You can only park in a Taxi zone outside of allocated hours (if times are clearly printed on the sign)
  • You can not park in Taxi zones if you are driving another type of vehicle (except if this is specified on the sign)

Parking Rules

Below you will find information and tips on how to park in accordance with the Road Safety Road Rules 2017.

Parking in Green Zones

Road Sign Green Zone.png

Green zones are marked with a green sign and you can only park for the allocated time on the sign. If a green sign has a "ticket" restriction you will need to pay and display a ticket or pay using the EasyPark app if applicable.

On-Street Parking

As on street parking can be limited, we encourage residents to park in their garages and driveways where possible.

When on street parking can’t be avoided, there are Victorian Road Rules to follow to ensure the safety of all road users.

All roads legally require at least 3 metres width along the road, at all times for:

  • safe driving conditions,
  • rubbish collections and
  • emergency vehicle access.

A sufficient road width of 3 metres can be achieved by limiting parking to one side of the street. Not providing 3.0m of road space, whether it be parking opposite another car or other side of the road is illegal.

Driveways also need to remain clear at all times for access requirements, turning manoeuvres and emergency vehicle access.

Legal On-Street Parking

On-street parking is considered legal if it:

  • Provides 3m of space for cars to pass.
  • Ensures driveways are clear and accessible.

Cars should park from the end of the curve or splay from a driveway.

Example of Legal On-Street Parking



Illegal On-Street Parking

On-street parking is considered illegal if it is:

  • Parking on the nature strip.
  • Parking opposite the direction of traffic.
  • Blocking the driveway.
  • Reducing the driveable road width to less than 3m.
  • Parking less than 10m from the intersection unless otherwise signed.
  • Parking in front of yellow solid continuous line marking.

Example of Illegal On-Street Parking



Abandoned or Unregistered Vehicles

If you notice an abandoned or unregistered vehicle parked on-street for longer than six months, please report it using our our online Customer Request Management system.

Multi Bay Pay Meters

Multi bay pay meters

The Multi bay pay meters are easy to use. This is how they work:

  • Find your parking bay number which is painted on the kerb and road
  • Follow the arrow next to the bay number to find the nearest pay meter machine
  • Select your parking bay number on the machine keypad
  • Insert coins and the screen will display the time you have paid for

Multi bay pay meters are conveniently located and operate between the hours of 8am-6pm. Parking is free outside of these times. The applicable fee is displayed on the instruction plate on the machine.

The time limit for the meters is either 1 or 2 hours. You risk receiving an infringement if you stay longer than the time limit.

Multi bay pay meters are kind to the environment as they do not use paper.

Line Marking Parking Bays

Line marking parking bays can be used to mark out exactly the extent of where a vehicle can park. Council will consider this type of line marking within high demand areas such as:

  • universities and schools.
  • commercial and trade areas.
  • libraries and community centres.

It is counterproductive for Council to implement parking bays within local and residential streets. Marked parking bays are not the correct answer to increasing the efficient use of on street parking. As per Australian Standard AS 2890.5-1993, formalised bays must be 6 m long to accommodate all vehicle types that use it. Because of this liberal allowance, it is more efficient if on street parking were managed by the road users, especially if small cars (4.30m) and sedans (4.50m) are present.



Report Illegal Parking

If vehicles are constantly parking over driveways ‘hockey sticks’ line marking can be installed to indicate the extent of where to park. Illegal parking can be reported it using our our online Customer Request Management system.

Double Parking

Vehicles that stop beside parked cars are double parking and are breaking the law.

Double parking interferes with the flow of traffic and can cause accidents.

Anyone who is seen or photographed double parking will receive an infringement notice from Council.

Some tips to avoid double parking:

  • You can stop to give way to a vehicle leaving a parking spot.
  • You can not park next to a stationary vehicle and wait for it to leave a parking spot.
  • You can not double park to drop someone off or pick someone up.
  • You can not leave the vehicle when double parked.

Parking on Public Holidays

In accordance with Road Rule 318 of the Road Safety Road Rules 2017, if parking signs state days of the week then parking and time restrictions on the signs do not apply on Public holidays.

If parking signs do not state days of the week or if the signs specifically state that restrictions apply on Public holidays then time restrictions do apply on Public holidays.

Drivers must check signs carefully when parking on a public holiday and adhere to the restrictions if required.

Parking Outside Schools

If you double park or stop in a No Stopping zone near a school, even if it is just for a second, you are endangering lives. A moment’s convenience is not worth threatening the safety of children.

Drivers must take responsibility for parking safely at all times, especially around schools. Always obey parking signs – they are there to protect our children.

Council is working with local school communities and police to reduce the risks of dangerous parking around schools. You can do your bit and avoid double parking or stopping illegally.

Talk to a Parking Enforcement Officer if you have any concerns or issues with parking near your local school.

Tips for safer parking

  • Teach your children to get in and out of the car on the kerb side only
  • Never call your children across the road
  • Teach children to safely use the school crossing, or ask them to wait so you can cross together
  • Never double park as this blocks drivers’ and pedestrians’ sightlines causing congestion and endangering our children
  • Be patient. Stress and frustration cause accidents.
  • Expect the unexpected. Children are spontaneous and don’t always know the dangers around them.
  • ‘I’ll only be a few seconds’ is not an excuse. There is no acceptable time frame for dangerous parking.
  • Try parking away from the front gate and walk a little way to collect your child.
  • Try walking, riding or scootering with your child. Ask your school about travel groups.
  • Explore sustainable transport options.

More Information

For more information regarding parking regulations, visit the Vicroads website.