Find your Ward Councillor and contact details to raise any issues of importance and what specialised advisory committees each Councillor represents Council on.
View dates, agendas and minutes for Council and Committee Meetings.
Find information about the 2024 Council Elections.
Find out about our vision, role and our values.
Find information about our leaders and our organisational structure.
Read our plans that guide our activities, services and major projects, and check that we are delivering.
Submit an online request for service with our Customer Service team.
Council has the power to make local laws with respect to any act, matter or thing which adversely affects the enjoyment of life within the municipal district. Read more about them here on our local laws page.
We employ staff in a wide variety of professions, and offer flexible employment conditions to help provide a rewarding work/life balance.
View the latest public notices, how to make application under freedom of information and the kind of documents Council is obligated to make available for public inspection.
Connect with your community by being informed about what’s happening in your area, and participating in consultation and advisory opportunities.
Council values your feedback and comments. Find out the best way for you to stay in contact with us.