Financial Hardship
Council has implemented a Rates and Charges Financial Hardship Policy for ratepayers suffering financial hardship in accordance with sections 171A and 172 of the Local Government Act 1989.
Ratepayers must request assistance from Council in writing, providing full details of the circumstances preventing them from meeting their financial obligations. If you would like to speak to us prior to making your application please call 9688 0200.
The National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit Victorian Government phone service that provides free and confidential financial counselling for people experiencing financial difficulty. Contact the helpline on 1800 007 007 to request a referral to see a financial counsellor at your local financial counselling service.
See below for the financial hardship application form in other languages.
Amharic(PDF, 139KB) |
Cantonese(PDF, 266KB) |
Farsi(PDF, 144KB)
Macedonian(PDF, 158KB) |
Spanish(PDF, 117KB)
Arabic(PDF, 161KB) |
Chin Hakha(PDF, 98KB)
Greek(PDF, 150KB) |
Serbian(PDF, 147KB) |
Vietnamese(PDF, 172KB)
Burmese(PDF, 118KB) |
Croatian(PDF, 150KB) |
Italian(PDF, 111KB) |
Simplified Chinese(PDF, 151KB)