State Budget funding outcomes for the City of Maribyrnong

Published on 01 June 2023

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The City of Maribyrnong welcomes funding from the State Government as announced in the 2023/24 State Budget, released last week.

The funding commitments include many of those advocated for by Council and include open space upgrades, the establishment of a mental health program, and improvements to support better air quality in the area – all supporting the wellbeing of the Maribyrnong community.

Funding has been allocated to support the development of a new regional mental health and wellbeing program for young adults in the inner-west, which Council has advocated for through LeadWest, an alliance between the five western metropolitan Melbourne councils who will also co-contribute to the program. A co-designed initiative with young adults will strengthen the prevention and early intervention of mental health systems in the inner-west.

$10 million has been allocated to support upgrades to Shorten Reserve and RecWest in West Footscray, providing enhanced sporting and recreational facilities, which include a new indoor stadium and gymnasium, an outdoor court and associated amenities to help keep our community active.

On the back of Council’s recent declaration of a health emergency, citing the impacts of air and noise pollution from heavy trucks using local roads, $20 million has also been committed to improve air quality in the inner-west, specifically for the development of programs that will help modernise trucks and improve air quality in the region. 

Council will also receive ongoing funding to support emergency response, planning and community recovery for flood-impacted communities, specifically the Maribyrnong community that was impacted by the October 2022 flood event whereby parts of the Maribyrnong River breached.

Mayor, Cr Sarah Carter has welcomed this investment in areas of concern Council has previously elevated.

“It’s pleasing to see initiatives we’ve been advocating for, on behalf of the Maribyrnong community, included in the State Budget. Providing access to mental health support along with funding for upgrades to a much-loved open space will help support the wellbeing of our growing community now and into the future.”

“Funding to support community recovery, response and emergency planning for flood-impacted communities is a welcomed commitment, noting the October 2022 flood event in Maribyrnong, and will support the local community as they recover and rebuild, and the broader planning work Council is doing in this space on behalf of its community.”

“It’s also positive to see a significant commitment to improving air quality in the inner-west given the health impacts on our community and environment, noting rates of illness and hospitalisation in our municipality due to air pollution are reported to considerably exceed the Australian average.”

Other funding allocated for projects within the City of Maribyrnong include:

  • the continued investment in local schools with $9.4 million for Footscray West Primary School and funding for St Margaret’s Primary School in Maribyrnong
  • a new women’s health clinic in Footscray
  • temple upgrades to Fo Guang Shan in Yarraville
  • the establishment of a Centre for Paramedicine in partnership with Victoria University

Council also advocated for funding to support the delivery of a detailed business case and feasibility study for Creative West – formerly NeXT – the first purpose-built 500 seat performing arts and cultural space in the inner west, along with funding to support the design and delivery of active transport improvements in across the municipality, including the implementation of strategic cycling corridors to improve safety and connectivity, which were not included the State Budget. 

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