Recovery update

Published on 2 November 2018

EPA, Melbourne Water and Maribyrnong City Council continue to work closely on the implementation of the recovery plan for Stony Creek and surrounding areas.

Strategies for the clean-up of Stony Creek immediately downstream of the fire site are being developed by Melbourne Water and the EPA.

Water quality is much improved but advice remains to avoid contact with water in Stony Creek. The results of water sampling in Stony Creek up to 12 October is now available on the EPA’s website.

Most of the vegetation affected by sludge has been removed between Paramount Road and Francis Street, including in Cruickshank Park.

Sediment sampling has occurred in new locations to better inform Melbourne Water’s clean-up activities. New locations include the sections above Cruickshank Park as well as the Backwash. Management of booms and hay bale bunds throughout the creek is ongoing. This is being complemented by Melbourne Water’s eductor truck which is removing floating contaminants and debris. A CCTV inspection of the culverts has been done and the footage will inform how these will be cleaned.

Air monitoring has now concluded as levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other airborne contaminants have been well below health guideline values. Asbestos monitoring will be done again when high winds are forecast during major demolition and clean-up activities.

Warning/advisory signs still provide current advice and remain in place up and down Stony Creek, including Cruickshank Park.

The EPA has confirmed with Clare Court Children’s Service that it is safe for them (including children of an age to be attending childcare) to use the park, as long as they avoid contact with water in Stony Creek. 

EPA’s website is being updated with the latest monitoring information as it becomes available. EPA officers have continued to inspect the factory site on a daily basis this week to ensure effective management of risks such as contaminated water on-site.

Stony Community Day - Sunday 18 November

To celebrate the ongoing recovery of Stony Creek, Council is inviting the community along for a day of fun and family-friendly activities.

Held on Sunday 18 November, family and friends will have the opportunity to hear about the recovery efforts and to ask questions of Melbourne Water, EPA and Council. There will also be a sausage sizzle and family friendly activities.

Watch out for more information on this page and through Council’s Facebook page.

Nominate for the Stony Creek Recovery stakeholder advisory group

The Group will be comprised of residents and representatives from key stakeholder groups, community groups and businesses to advise on the development and implementation of the Recovery Plan for Stony Creek.

Five community members are being sought who have a keen interest in the recovery of the Creek.

Should nominations exceed the number of vacancies, public voting will determine the successful applicants.

Nominations close 5pm Sunday 18 November.

Nomination form and Terms of Reference can be found here.