Recovery update
Published on 15 February 2019
Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) continues to advise people to avoid coming into contact with water from Stony Creek. Seek medical help if you feel unwell.
Water and sediment results from the 17 January sampling have been received and assessed. The results show that water quality continues to be good while sediment is still of concern for some chemicals including hydrocarbons and copper. They will be available on EPA website in the week of 18 February.
EPA will collect the next round of water and sediment samples on 15 February. EPA officers continue to carry out regular inspections of the fire site to monitor compliance with statutory notices and ensure appropriate risk controls are in place. Melbourne Water officers also continue to inspect all booms and hay bale bunds twice a week.
Council has appointed consultants to prepare a feasibility study on improving stormwater quality flowing to Stony Creek. The study will investigate opportunities within the Stony Creek catchment in Maribyrnong to capture, treat and reuse stormwater before it is discharged to the creek. It will identify possible locations of Water Sensitive Urban Design features such as raingardens and wetlands in order to maximise benefits to water quality and neighbourhood liveability.
The results of this study will further inform the development of the Draft Cruickshank Park Masterplan later this year. This project is funded in part by the Melbourne Water Living River grant program.
In addition, over the coming months Melbourne Water will work with the local community and partner agencies to create a plan for the long-term rehabilitation of Stony Creek and its surrounding environment.
Local community members are encouraged to share their stories, ideas and aspirations, and priorities for the future of Stony Creek online. This will remain open for public feedback until Monday 11 March 2019. We want the local community to tell us why they love Stony Creek and what they like to do there. We want to hear ideas on how the creek can be rehabilitated in the long term. From planting trees and restoring habitats to increase biodiversity (eg. frogs, birds, fish), enhancing shading, education programs and activities, signage, preventing litter and pollution, and improving access and connectivity along the creek, we want to hear what matters most to the local community.
Two community ‘pop up’ information events will be held in key locations in Cruickshank Park on Sunday 24 February, 9am – 12pm, and Tuesday 26 February, 3pm - 5pm February 2019. Community members can share their stories, ideas and priorities for the rehabilitation of Stony Creek in person at one of these events. The events will be attended by representatives of Melbourne Water, Maribyrnong City Council and EPA to answer any questions that the community may have about different aspects of the recovery and rehabilitation stages.
A two-day community workshop will be held in late March 2019. The purpose of the workshop is to further understand what the community values about Stony Creek and their ideas and aspirations for rehabilitation, and to identify a set of desired outcomes, key priorities and actions. To register your interest, apply online.
Feedback received from the Stony Creek Rehabilitation ‘Your Say’ page, community ‘pop up’ information events and the community workshop will be used to create the Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan and will also help to inform the Cruikshank Park masterplan The rehabilitation actions will align with relevant agencies’ plans including Melbourne Water’s Healthy Waterways Strategy..
A draft plan will be publically released to seek feedback from the community and partner agencies to ensure it aligns with the community’s expectations and values. After incorporating feedback on the draft plan, the final plan will be published in mid-2019.
For more information visit Melbourne Water's website, or call Melbourne Water on 131 722 or email
Melbourne Water’s M102 Water Main Project
Work on the M102 Water Main project is continuing east along Charlotte Street towards Julian Street. Access to Julian Street has been restricted to local residents only, with school drop-offs and pick-ups directed to use Bishop Street only. Access to properties in Charlotte Street is being maintained where possible, but many driveways are now blocked. Residents are being asked to park in Julian Street. The project team, working with Maribyrnong City Council, will prepare a local access track from a right-of-way lane parallel with Charlotte Street to the end of Charlotte Street – this will allow residents to access their homes once works have moved along past their property. Final re-sealing of Charlotte Street (west) should occur next week, and clean-up of Cruickshank Park will be completed over the coming days. Fencing will remain in place around areas that are to be hydro-seeded. More information on the project’s progress is available on the Melbourne Water website: