Planning Scheme Amendment C122 - Ryco Site Whitehall Street Footscray


The amendment applied to land known as 11-19 Whitehall Street, Footscray and commonly referred to as the 'Ryco' site. The land is bounded by Whitehall Street to the west, Bunbury Street to the south and Moreland Street to the east.

About the Amendment

The Amendment has:

  • Rezoned the land at 11-19 Whitehall Street, Footscray from Business 3 Zone to Mixed Use Zone (see note below)
  • Applied a Development Plan Overlay (DPO16) to the land
  • Applied an Environmental Audit Overlay to the land

Other provisions of the amendment included:

  • A mix of uses including approximately 2000sqm of office floor space and 500sqm of retail floor space
  • Indicative height range of between 3 and 6 storeys with higher built form proposed toward the centre of the site to minimise overshadowing
  • Provision of a public access way through the site, providing a link through to the Footscray Community Arts Centre
  • Adaptive reuse of the heritage brickwall on Bunbury Street
  • Contribution to community infrastructure such as tree planting / street improvement / public art.

Note: Following approval of Amendment C125, the site is now zoned Activity Centre Zone.


The amendment was publicly exhibited from 4 July to 4 August 2013. It was subsequently reviewed by an independent Planning Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning. The panel released its report supporting the amendment on 2 December 2013.

Council considered the panel report and adopted the amendment at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 February 2014.

The amendment was approved by the Minister for Planning on 15 May 2014.

For a copy of the amendment and other approved documents, please refer to the amendments page on Planning Schemes Online.

For more information, contact:
City Strategy
9688 0200