Joseph Road Precinct DCP

The Joseph Road Precinct in Footscray is undergoing transition from an industrial precinct to a mixed use precinct accommodating a mix of residential, office, retail, recreation, and public open space. 

Council is committed to ensuring new developments in the precinct contribute to a public realm environment with a high level of amenity.  A suite of public realm and infrastructure improvement works have been identified in the Joseph Road Precinct Public Realm Plan(PDF, 41MB) and the Joseph Road Precinct Preferred WSUD Concepts Report(PDF, 4MB).  These include road upgrades, pedestrian footpaths, bike paths, traffic signals, street trees, landscaping, street furniture, and drainage.

The Amendment facilitates the funding of these infrastructure works by requiring new development in the precinct to make a financial contribution towards their provision.  It would ensure infrastructure works are provided in a timely manner and the cost is shared fairly amongst landowners and developers. The collection of funds would support a high quality public realm that’s safe, accessible, and attractive.

About the Site

The Amendment applies to the Joseph Road Precinct in Footscray, generally bounded by public reserves on the west bank of the Maribyrnong River to the east, the railway reserve between Footscray and South Kensington stations to the north and west, and Hopkins Street to the South. The precinct boundary is shown in blue in the map below:


About the Amendment

The Amendment has amended the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme by:

  • Applying Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO1) to the land
  • Inserting Schedule 1 to Clause 45.06 Development Contributions Plan Overlay
  • Amending Schedule to Clause 72.04 to incorporate the Joseph Road Precinct Development Contributions Plan .

The Amendment requires landowners and developers who wish to develop their sites in the Joseph Road Precinct to pay a contribution to fund public realm improvements and infrastructure works .  


The amendment was exhibited and reviewed by an independent Planning Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning.

The Panel released a report recommending the amendment be adopted with changes (see link under Related Information below). The Panel's recommendations were considered by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 31 July 2019.  Council supported the Panel recommendations and resolved to adopt the amendment. 

The amendment has now been approved by the Minister for Planning and came into effect on 4 October 2019. For a copy of the approved amendment, please refer to the amendments page on Planning Schemes Amendments Online

Contact us

For more information, contact Strategic Planning on 9688 0200.